Tuesday 7 February 2012





09°12'N, 101°20'Eって・・・






Submarine Hammerhead (SS-364) sinks Singapore-bound Japanese transport Tottori Maru in Gulf of Siam, 09°12'N, 101°20'E. Escorting minelayer Hatsutaka conducts unsuccessful counterattack (see 16 May).

Tuesday 28 September 2010












Monday 27 September 2010

Hiroshi Nakazato

My father is the last of the 7 brothers and a sister. 2 of his elder brothers lost their lives at the WWII. His mother, my grand mother, was in deep grief after she lost her 2nd son, not only the 1st one.

Hiroshi Nakazato was born in Ooruicho in Gumma, Japan, on the 17th of August in 1892 as the second son of Chusaku Nakazato, 37, and his wife Haru, 30. After finishing his secondary school at about 14, he was helping his family, who owned huge paddy fields. Hiroshi was 20 years old, when he was called up to the Japanese Imperial Navy. Less than 3 years later, in spring of 1995, he died in the sea far from his home. He was only 23.

According to the Japanese Birth/Death registration, “Hiroshi died off Songkhla in Malay peninsula on 15th May 1945, time unknown. Reported by Saito Noboru to the department of the war veterans in Yokosuka on 22nd July 1947”

My father’s memory is not clear. He was saying Hiroshi died near Saipan, which turned out to be not correct. He also remembered his mother was saying Hiroshi was on the big war ship called “Tottorimaru” when he was killed. So I started to think how to find all these out.

As Hiroshi stayed in the Navy, I sent a request for his war record from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, war veterans department. We had a very quick response from them. They sent a copy of Hiroshi’s war record to my father.

Registration No.: Yoko 1-Ho-Sui-Dai 14714
Class: Sailor
Affiliation: Yokosuka Chinjufu
Background: Graduate from High School, Occupation Farmer
Date of join: Placed to 1-Ho on 1st December 1942
Section at death: Ship guard (Sen kei), Tottorimaru, Sort No: 1-7222

1942 1 December Recruited as first supplementary member (Dai1 Hoju Heieki)

1943 7 June Transferred to Navy (by Showa 18 command no. 421 )

1943 15 December  Transferred to Yokosuka First Navy (Daiichi Kaiheidan) to reinforce the military power

1943 15 December Appointed to Ordinary Seaman (Suihei Nito-hei)

1943 1 November Low change – Retirement age is 45 years old as of 31st March of the year

1944 11 January Shanghai Naval Special Army Force (Shanghai Kaigun Tokubetsu Rikusen Tai)

1944 1 April  Promoted to Marine 1st class (Suihei Itto-hei)

1944 13 April Transferred to Yokosuka Naval Security force (Yokosuka Kaigun Keibi Tai)

1944 24 April Arrived in Osaka (onboard Ugamaru)

1944 2 May Marine vessel guard department (Senpaku Keikai Bu)

1944 2 June Boarded on the accompanying ship (Tottorimaru)

1944 1 September Assigned to Yokosuka Naval Security force (Yokohama Keibi Tai) as well

1944 1 November Promoted to Able Seaman (Suihei Joto-hei)

1945 1 May Promoted to Leading Rating (Kaihei Suiheicho)

1945 15 May Died, off Singora (Songkhla) of Malay peninsula

1945 15 May Promoted to 2nd Marine Non-commissioned officer

When Hiroshi was called to the war, my father was just 7 years old. Hiroshi died in May of 1945. It was only 3 months away from the end of the war. We can’t change history but I feel so bitter about this fact.

My grand mother, Haru lost 2 elder sons at the war. When the war was over, my father was 10 and Haru was 53 years old. The death of Hiroshi was recorded 2 years after the actual date. Did his family not know his whereabouts for 2 years? Haru’s first son, Kiyosue’s death was also reported 2 years later.

Tottorimaru, that Hiroshi was on board, was infamous among the Allies, and know as a “Hellship” because the ship was often used to transfer POWs from South East Asia to the concentration camps in other places including Japan and Korea. They were crammed into the bottom of the ship in unhygienic and unbearable conditions.

On 15th May, 1945, Tottorimaru was on her way to Singapore from Saigon via Hat Tien, Vietnam. When they reached off Singora, US submarine Hammerhead attacked and destroyed the ship. At the time, Tottorimaru was carrying just cargo and 52 naval officers on board were killed. Hiroshi was one of them.



戸籍の記録によると「昭和弐拾年五月拾五日時刻不詳 マレー半島シンゴラ沖ニ於テ戦死 横須賀地方復員局人事部長斎藤昇報告 昭和弐拾弐年七月弐拾弐日受附」


所管: 横須賀鎮守府
入籍時: 学力 国高了 職業 農業
服役年期: 一補編入 昭和17年12月1日
戦没時所轄:船警 鳥取丸 整理番号 1-7222

昭和17年(1942) 12月1日 第一補充兵役編入

昭和18年(1943) 6月7日 海軍兵籍編入(昭和18年勅令題四百二十一号)

昭和18年(1943) 12月15日 横須賀第一海兵団 充員召集ヲ命セラレ参着

昭和18年(1943) 12月15日 海軍二等水兵ヲ命ズ

昭和18年(1943) 11月1日 兵役法改正ニ依リ服役満期は年齢四十五年ニ満ツル年ノ三月三十一日トナル(昭和十八年法律第百十号)

昭和19年(1944) 1月11日 上海海軍特別陸戦隊

昭和19年(1944) 4月1日 海軍一等水兵ヲ命ズ

昭和19年(1944) 4月13日 横須賀海軍警備隊

昭和19年(1944) 4月24日 大阪着(宇賀丸便乗)

昭和19年(1944) 5月2日 船舶警戒部

昭和19年(1944) 6月2日 附属艇配乗 (鳥取丸)

昭和19年(1944) 9月1日 兼横浜警備隊附ヲ命ズ

昭和19年(1944) 11月1日 海軍上等水兵ヲ命ズ

昭和20年(1945) 5月1日  海軍水兵長ヲ命ズ

昭和20年(1945) 5月15日 戦死

昭和20年(1945) 5月15日 任海軍二等兵曹

昭和20年(1945) 5月15日 マレー半島シンゴラ沖ニ於テ戦死



1945年の5月15日、ベトナムのサイゴンを出てハッチェン(ハティエン Hat Tien)経由でシンガポールへ向けて航行中の鳥取丸はマレー半島東海岸、タイのシンゴラ(ソンクラー:シンゴラはマレー語)沖で、アメリカの潜水艦ハマーヘッド(Hammerhead)により撃沈された。この時の搭載物は米。乗組員は52人いたということで、この中の一人が宏だった。